Top 5 video reviews


Published 25.02.2015 08:00
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Stop Go!

Stop Go! gallery

What parents need to know

Parents need to know that Stop Go! is designed to help kids regulate time spent on specific activities. It's especially helpful for kids who need support with executive functioning skills. Parents or kids set the time limit for each colored light and press start. The screen will show the correlating light and a timer in the corner to indicate how much time is left. Stop Go! might be helpful in timing a brain break or time out, since it has a built in transition time. It's difficult to stop the timer once it's started, which might cause some considerable frustration for kids using it on their own.

What kids can learn


The only truly interactive feature of the app is that you can set the time limits for each light, so it's not likely kids will want to use it for its own sake. They might want to keep using it if they get positive results, however.

Learning Approach

Though the app does not provide content learning, it has the potential to teach kids important self regulating strategies. Kids can practice calm-down strategies or set time limits for activities.


This app does not provide a tutorial or guide. It is a self explanatory timer app, but should be used with a parent's help at first.

What's it about?

STOP GO! users set a time for each colored light. The app timer is in the bottom left of the screen while the red, yellow, or green light is on. As each timer runs out, the next color lights up. The STOP GO! lights follow a stoplight pattern and can transition from red to green or green to red.

Is it any good?


Stop Go! has the potential to help kids who struggle to manage their own time by giving them a visual. The transition from green to yellow to red may help kids prepare for a transition of activities, be more aware of time limits, or help moderate emotions. However, watching time run out may cause some level of anxiety at first. Not easily being about to stop the timer might also cause some kids frustration.

Families can talk about...

  • Families can talk about how time effects emotion. Ask your kid about feelings at the end of each activity: Was there enough time to complete the task? Should the timer be adjusted next time? Help your kid name the emotions associated with the lights to extend time management concepts beyond the use of the app.

  • Ask your kid to predict how long certain activities will take. Was this prediction right?

App details

Devices: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad
Price: 0.99
Pricing structure: Paid
Release date: November 7, 2014
Category: Education
Size: 9.10 MB
Publisher: Generate Learning
Version: 2.0
Minimum software requirements: iOX 4.3 or later
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