Developer: IFTTT
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

iPhone Integration Rating: ?????
User Interface Rating: ?????
Re-use Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

How often do you take a photo then immediately want to send it elsewhere or do something else with it? Probably pretty often, right? Courtesy of the power behind IFTTT, Do Camera can do all that for you, saving you some valuable time. It won't cover every eventuality but it's still going to be pretty useful most of the time.

As with other IFTTT products, Do Camera is centered around the concept of using recipes to set things up. You hit the Add Recipe button, then make some choices as to what you do next. In each case this means that the central button on the camera side of Do Camera relates to that recipe. All you do is hit the camera button and Do Camera takes the photo while also performing whatever act you've set it up to commit.

docamera5docamera3The amount of recipes on offer is pretty great, after a brief sign up process. Ideas are divided into categories as well as a section devoted to recommended options. You can search manually, too. Options include being able to take a photo and immediately tweet it, sending it to Tumblr, various different email addresses, Dropbox, 500px – you get the idea. Oddly there's no support for Instagram though, which seems like one of the more obvious choices. Certainly, as someone who uses the service extensively, I'd have appreciated being able to integrate Instagram through it.

Still, the options are pretty varied otherwise. You can easily set things up to send photos to your friends and family for fun, plus it's just as easy to send things to your Evernote account for research purposes or save something to Pocket for later. You can create your own recipes as well by hitting the plus sign and going through some straightforward steps to co-ordinate things.

Do Camera's strength is in its simplicity. It really doesn't take long to set things up. You're limited to having 3 recipes available quickly at all times, which seems kind of low but Do Camera still remains pretty useful. It should prove to be quite a time saver.