Developer: Hi.Q, Inc.
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.17.61
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

iPhone Integration Rating: ?????
User Interface Rating: ?????
Re-use Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Online quizzes are a big deal these days. They've always been fairly popular but the rise of Buzzfeed, Playbuzz, Zimbio, and so many other places has really strengthened our love of answering a bunch of questions to figure out what animal/TV show character we are. It turns out such structures can be used for good as well, such as in the case of Hi.Q – Health IQ. It's an app that offers you thousands of health-related questions, devised by experts, and can therefore teach you some valuable facts.

Dive in and you'll immediately notice that Hi.Q – Health IQ is stylishly laid out. Looking like it'd easily fit into a lifestyle magazine, each quiz is clearly described along with an attractive photo to further sell its purpose. Some quizzes may offer a lot of different questions but they rarely take too long to complete. Each time you answer a question the answer or an explanation is shown, meaning you're constantly learning.

healthiq5healthiq2Hi.Q – Health IQ offers a plethora of statistics, leaderboards, and ways in which to interact with others through discussion. Besides being good impetus for encouraging you to keep playing, you can learn a few new things by diving into a discussion – although a lot of these are quite quiet. It's also a little heavy on wanting you to recommend quizzes to friends or share via social networks. On the plus side the app likes to lean towards a personalized experience, meaning you can adapt it to your needs and aims for the coming year. It'll focus on themes relevant to your age group, too.

In terms of improving your health, Hi.Q – Health IQ doesn't work in an obvious manner, but knowledge is power. The more you know about what's good for you, the more likely you are to live a healthy lifestyle. While this isn't an app to demand you go outdoors and exercise it does gradually get under your skin, reminding you of what's important while also making you feel smart. That's a pretty good combination in terms of motivation.