Developer: MADFINGERS Games
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 0.1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Playtime Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Monzo is a really good idea for an app. It enables you to piece together model kits just like the ones made by well-known company Revell, without having to worry about glue, space, or mess. It's sure to be particularly ideal for young kids who want to piece together kits, but aren't quite skilled enough for the real thing. There's a really big problem looming though – it's pretty expensive to do.

monzo1It's a free app, at first, but for that non-existent price you only get one model. It's a model of a cool sports car and works as a form of tutorial to how everything is conducted. You use a manual on the right-hand side to figure out what pieces you need to pick out first from the left-hand side of the screen. It's easy to do with a swipe or pinch enabling you to move the model around, before slotting in a piece.

Once you've gone through the instructions and the model is constructed, you can then opt to paint it or add stickers before placing a backdrop and taking a photo of the completed creation. None of this takes hugely long to do, but it's fun to see what you can conjure up.

monzo4The problem is that this is all Monzo offers for free. To unlock new models, you have to pay up around $2.99 per model or $9.99 for bundles. This gets expensive fast and there's no way of unlocking them through other means. It's still cheaper than buying the actual models, but that's small comfort for those with kids that are desperate to do more. It makes it a much harder recommendation than those early moments of fun suggest.