Top 5 video reviews


Published 13.02.2020 00:49
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Bookmate. Books and audiobooks

A lot or a little?

Parents need to know that Bookmate. Books and audiobooks is an app for finding books and audiobooks and reading them across your devices. You can create a paid or free account and access books, audiobooks, and podcasts from around the world. You can use the app to create and share shelves of books you've enjoyed or plan to read, and you can comment on books you've read and highlight notable quotes. There's also an option to upload books to the platform. Your reading history is shared publicly by default, and it's accessible both by other users and by publishers who make their content available on the platform unless you choose to read in "private" mode. Read the developer's privacy policy for details on how your (or your kids') information is collected, used, and shared and any choices you may have in the matter, and note that privacy policies and terms of service frequently change.
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