Top 5 video reviews


Published 08.04.2015 20:00
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Tico Timer - your fun timer for children!

Tico Timer - your fun timer for children! gallery

What parents need to know

Parents need to know that Tico Timer - your fun timer for children! is a simple, visual and auditory timer designed for kids who struggle with typical countdown timers. It provides simple but engaging graphics and corresponding music that respond to elapsing time by moving across the screen or disappearing. Some kids might find the moving graphics distracting and may focus only on the timer instead of the task at hand. This might be an especially useful tool for breaks or time-outs, especially for kids who need to refocus their energies or calm down. Tico Timer - your fun timer for children! may be a great fit for kids who have a hard time transitioning between activities or are still learning the concept of time and numbers. Several languages (including Spanish, French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Russian) are supported.

What kids can learn


Tico Timer - your fun timer for children! uses bright colors, geometric shapes, and music to engage kids.

Learning Approach

Designed specifically to reach many kinds of learners, Tico Timer - your fun timer for children! helps kids experience a visual and auditory representation of time outside of the context of a clock.


This is a straight forward time-keeping tool. A basic user guide is provided.

What's it about?

TICO TIMER - YOUR FUN TIMER FOR CHILDREN! opens to the settings screen where users can set the timer, visual, and music selection. The time feature provides a minutes and seconds scroll down list, which go as low as 1 second and as high as 30 minutes. There are eleven graphic choices and seven musical selections to choose from; the titles give you a sense of what the graphic will be (Bye Bye Squares shows disappearing squares), but some are not entirely intuitive. Once all pieces are selected, users press the Countdown! circle and the timer begins. The graphics move of disappear, depending on your selection, as time runs out. At the end of the timer, the music stops and a single word appear on the screen. When it's tapped, four circles appear, which might be confusing at first since they serve as the signal to go back to the settings page.

Is it any good?


Tico Timer - your fun timer for children! is especially useful for kids who need a break or who struggle with the abstract concepts of time. The correlating graphics and music that accompany the countdown timer may help kids better understand how much time is left while alleviating some anxiety (there is no harsh buzzer or traditional clock countdown, and it is easy to see how much time is left). Some kids may be distracted by the moving graphics or music provided by Tico Timer- your fun timer for children!, especially when using the timer to countdown time for specific tasks (homework, getting dressed, etc). It's likely most helpful for kids who need to take a break, as listening to the music and watching the graphic shifts the focus in a calming way.

Families can talk about...

  • Families can talk about how kids felt as they watched the graphics respond as time ran out. Ask kids whether they felt like they had enough time for the activity, or if they would adjust next time.

  • Ask kids to predict how much time an activity might take. Help kids set their own timers and song and then talk about whether they had enough time to complete the activity. Do certain graphics or songs work better than others for certain tasks? Why?

App details

Devices: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad
Price: 0.99
Pricing structure: Paid
Release date: March 5, 2014
Category: Education
Size: 14.50 MB
Publisher: Ricardo Fonseca
Version: 1.2
Minimum software requirements: 7.0 or later
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