Social Quest
Social Quest gallery
What parents need to know
Parents need to know that Social Quest is a language tool for kids with expressive and receptive language deficits to practice how to respond in common social situations. Kids will practice understanding multiple perspectives in one of sixteen pre-loaded environments. An adult will need to help set it up, and it's likely that some activities will need to be completed with the help of a therapist or parent to identify appropriate social problem solving. Social Quest will record long-term and short-term data as kids practice pragmatic situations.What kids can learn
Social Quest makes receptive and expressive problem solving both challenging and engaging by adding graphics and images to each scenario. Short-term and long-term awards may increase motivation.
Both expressive and receptive language scenarios provide appropriate perspective-taking practice for kids who need extra social pragmatic practice. Scenarios are specific and provide sentence starters as kids grow confident in navigating these social situations.
A video tutorial is available in the help section, and help icons are located throughout Social Quest. More information is also provided on the developer website.
What's it about?
In SOCIAL QUEST an adult will decide if the kid will work on receptive or expressive language, and then kids create a character (upload image or use avatar). They can drag their character to one or more environments and then slide the transporter icon to begin their quest. Kids listen to a scenario and choose one or more options that best fit social norms associated with that situation. In receptive language scenarios, correct answers are marked with a green check mark and incorrect answers are marked with a red x. In expressive language scenarios, parents need to help guide kids toward the best things to say to solve the social problem and get apples for missed responses, silver coins for answers that are close, and gold coins for answers that meet the expectation of that social situation. Kids complete as many situations as they have time for, but must answer each scenario correctly before moving onto the next. Parents and other adults can access a kid's progress in the "report card." Users can earn long-term rewards that are social-language specific, like binoculars to help kids remember to make eye contact.
Is it any good?
There are many scenarios surrounding sixteen different environments that kids might encounter, and instant feedback and long-term rewards help reinforce social problem solving. The scenarios and responses are realistic, engaging, and helpful for kids who need straightforward social language practice. For some kids, the graphics-heavy interface might be distracting, so those kids might need more guidance to stay on task.
Families can talk about...
Families can talk about expected and unexpected responses to common social situations. For example, it would be expected for someone to bring food, such as popcorn and soda, into a movie theater. It would be unexpected for someone to bring that same food into the bathroom. Parents can help kids identify expected and unexpected behavior in real-life and refer back to the scenarios in Social Quest for help.
Families can role play an entire social encounter at one of the environments mentioned in Social Quest. Practice starting, stopping, and changing conversation topics at dinner. Help kids identify cues for when someone else is interested in what they're talking about and how to ask appropriate questions. How do you know when someone wants to know more about what you've said? How can you tell when someone is joking?
App details
Device: | iPad |
Price: | $12.99 |
Pricing structure: | Paid |
Release date: | November 12, 2014 |
Category: | Education |
Topics: | Adventures |
Size: | 328.00 MB |
Publisher: | Smarty Ears |
Version: | 2.0 |
Minimum software requirements: | 5.1.1 or later |