Developer: Pixonic LLC
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 0.8.1
Device Reviewed On: iPad Mini 2

Graphics/Sound Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Playtime Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

What does Walking War Robots bring us?

Let your imagination run wild: robots with major artillery, urban arenas, and all the mechanized warfare a person could ask for – all unabashedly framed within a layered set of massively multiplayer online capture-the-flag adventure.

Once gear is selected and play is initiated, it takes a short time to populate with other willing players. Then it’s time to battle: 6-v-6 with random teammates and enemies.

2015-02-16 13.15.19With regards to battle, it boils down to a war of attrition that spans the initial objective of claiming all the available beacons by making contact so that they change to the color of a given faction. Friendly mechs are noted in blue while opponents are red, and the idea is to not only claim the beacons but to prevent the opposing faction from claiming or reclaiming them.

Reasoned dialogue obviously doesn’t work, so it’s all about the heavy duty weaponry. The virtual shoot button at the bottom right cycles through stuff like guns and timed reloading short range missiles, and swiping on the encompassing sights mechanism helps with directing the barrage. A virtual joystick controls movement as well, which is an important factor on both offense and defense.

2015-02-16 13.15.12The mechanized suits have different attributes, with speed and resilience as the major factors that make a difference in gameplay; as such, upgrading our procuring suits with better specs is almost necessary. In-game cash can be procured by doing especially well in battles, naturally. The gameplay is leveled, and there are missions to get involved in as well.

The graphics are really great, expressed in colorful 3D with animations that look just how one would guess mechanized movement would look. Visual perspective is also laid out quite well, with angles, coloration, and relatively diverse scenery adding to the ambience. The sound is also excellent, from the sound of battle to the simple clanking of the walking robots. All together, it looks and sounds great without being cartoonish, which is important for a game of this type.

I should mention that I had the the opportunity to play Walking War Robots with a lot of goodies unlocked. As fun as it is to play, I suspect that going at it without in-app purchases might be a slow grind. I think I would have liked a training portion, or at least a freestyle area to hone skills and strategy. I did like the ability to build a platoon, though.

All in all, it’s an interesting game that feels serious enough to be realistic. That’s no small feat.