Developer: MiniClip
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.0.4
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Playtime Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Ensuring you'll quite fancy eating some cake after playing it comes Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Rush – an Endless Runner with an appetite. It's a fairly formulaic affair, but it's not without a hefty dose of charm.

You run throughout the world of Berry Bitty City, trying to collect up various things while dodging obstacles. Fruit and coins are your main form of income, with the former offering the means with which to bake more cakes and the latter allowing you to unlock new outfits and characters. Controls are typical for the genre with a swipe to the left or right changing your direction, and swipes up and down invoking a jump or slide, respectively. At times you'll fly through the air as a butterfly or bounce from rainbow ramps, keeping things a little more interesting than 'just' running. It's all fairly responsive and soon enough, you'll manage to progress quite far.

berryrush3berryrush5Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Rush's main moment of originality comes through baking cakes. When you pick up fruit, you can put it towards baking cakes that can then be sold for money. You can change around cake recipes, as well as change their stylings and colorings. It's simply done but it adds a slight amount of variety when compared to just earning coins.

Unlocking new characters also unlocks more food, but expect it to be a slow grind as coins don't come fast enough for anything better than that. That's the main issue with Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Rush: you're going to have to play it for a long time to get anywhere. It's not quite charming enough to make that grind seem painless either, so expect it to be unlikely that you'll ever see everything it has to offer. As a brief and tasty delight though, it's just fine.