Developer: Gameblend Studios
Price: $3.99
Version Reviewed: 1.1
Device Reviewed On: iPad Mini 2 (screens from an iPhone 5)

Graphics/Sound Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Playtime Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Prepare to die.”

Happily, that is. The Princess Bride – The Official Game is here, and what was once inconceivable isn’t any longer. And if you’re wondering if I am going to continually use corny movie quotes and references throughout this review, yes… yes, I must.

The ageless cult classic gets the iOS treatment, and it’s a glossy affair with delightfully whimsical characterizations; with specific regards to looks, the graphics are simple. The backgrounds tend to be of the static kind, and this helps make the foreground action pop. The gameplay is equally as easy to get into, with creative odes to the source material interspersed throughout.

princessbride01princessbride02There are four general lateral gameplay sections in all at the moment. Taking the first one for a spin, we get to see the template for most of the series. Buttercup, the titular Princess Bride, appears in the famous “Shrieking Eels” scene. The main job in this one is to keep the dastardly creatures from consuming the fair maiden. There are different waves to get through, with several interesting twists, along with a boss task or two. The specific playing mechanism (taps) doesn’t change drastically, but the developer does do a pretty good job of making differing goals drive the play.

Additionally, the first level shows the achievement system where one gets kudos for reaching specific benchmarks. As an extra incentive to play more, it works well.

The other portions are structured similarly, but still manage to be different. One mimics the cliff-climbing scene, and has less of a focus on tapping as the Eel section. Here the accelerometer holds sway, but quick reflexes are as much a requirement for success as they are elsewhere. Again, it’s a simple idea, but the developer tosses in other elements (rocky outliers, thrown boulders, even birds) to flesh out a cohesive experience. Yes, Inigo Montoya makes a cameo in a section – and I did die a few times (Boom!).

princessbride04princessbride05I especially like how the developer uses cutscenes with images from the actual movie incorporated therein. The sounds are compelling, and will be a boon to fans of the franchise. Bonus lives are rare, and real cash seems to be the best way to garner extensions though. [Editor’s Note: general skill does help a lot, too. Yes, that’s a challenge.]

Still, for the most part this game is mostly MLT Sandwich (mutton, lettuce and tomato): nice, lean, and, uh, perky. It’s greatest positive is probably the fact that it doesn’t need an overreaching love of the movie to be enjoyed.

Be warned though, it might start the process.