Developer: Out Fit 7 Ltd
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.0.4
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Playtime Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Kids love My Talking Tom. I know this because I have distinct memories of my cousins ramming an iPad in my face one day, just to show me how amazing their beloved Tom was. They're a bit older now so I'm hoping when I see them next that My Talking Angela hasn't stolen their hearts. I wouldn't be surprised if it has, though.

My Talking Angela is a virtual pet of sorts – a fairly demanding one at that. She's a cute kitten that soon grows into an adult cat and offers the style to go with it. A lot of the time you'll be feeding or bathing her, as well as brushing her teeth and playing games to keep her happy. Each of these activities is fairly well laid out, meaning that by glancing at the relevant bars, you know exactly what she requires you to do.

talking1talkingSuch activities turn monotonous, though. Brushing Angela's teeth is a matter of swiping a finger around her mouth, with a similar action for bathing her. Giving her regular nap times is also vital, otherwise she gets really upset and you lose some progress.

What's more fun are the mini-games that are available, although currently there are only two at your disposal. One is a brick-busting, Arkanoid style game, while the other is a simple tangram-style puzzle game. Both are fairly enjoyable if lacking in some inspiration. Presumably, future updates will offer more games, much like in the case of My Talking Tom.

As you level-up you collect stickers to place in a sticker album, and that's quite satisfying to build upon, if shallow. You can buy new items for Angela too, dressing her up as you desire, and no doubt proving quite popular for young players.

Ultimately though, My Talking Angela is a bit too simplistic to recommend to anyone over a certain age. This is a game that's best for young children who want to feel like they're caring for something. Adults, on the other hand, will soon find themselves quite bored by what this game has to offer.