Developer: Dogbyte Games
Price: $1.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: ?????
Game Controls Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Clearly heavily influenced by the Trials series of games, Offroad Legends 2 is a less refined but mostly enjoyable physics-based racer. It can't quite compare with the mighty Trials, but given the limited options for the franchise on iOS it's a worthy substitute.

offroad7With plenty of variety at hand, you won't just be racing motorbikes either. Instead, you'll be using trucks, buses, monster trucks, and more to negotiate the various obstacles within each level of Offroad Legends 2. That comes with its own issues – namely that you never quite get fully comfortable with one vehicle before you move onto the next, but this does keep things interesting.

Different objectives are involved, too. Some stages are simple time trials but others require you to carefully transport goods from one side of the level to the other. Some are almost physics puzzler-esque, with you flinging your truck at a series of platforms for the sake of stars. Such variety works quite well for the most part, meaning you're rarely bored by what unfolds. Offroad Legends 2 offers vehicle damage too, so it's fairly easy to write off your vehicle if you take a jump too hard.

offroad4Where Offroad Legends 2 falters is more so in its ability to catch you out by surprise. Rather than failing due to your own inadequacies Offroad Legends 2 can spring a surprise on you, giving you hardly any time to react accordingly, and leaving you feeling a little cheated. There are no checkpoints here, so if you fail it's back to the start. Levels are short but it's still jarring when you fail at the last hurdle.

So, Offroad Legends 2 isn't quite perfect but it is reasonably enjoyable. While you'll sometimes be frustrated by its unfair moments, it's mostly a good way to scratch that physics-based racing itch.