Developer: Not Doppler
Price: $1.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0.1
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: ?????
Game Controls Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Day 148:
Think you could use a little help earning a bit more cash? Do you feel like you’re just spinning your wheels? Check out our Earn to Die 2 strategy guide!

At first, Earn to Die 2 is a lot of fun. Kind of like an endless runner but with more of a structure, you attempt to drive a vehicle from one end of the level to the other. The problem is that there are waves of zombies in the way, plus the terrain itself is far from safe. The other, more significant problem is that things soon turn a bit repetitive and Earn to Die 2 turns out to be too long for comfort.

earntodie25That's a real shame, as early on Earn to Die 2 easily has that 'one more go' factor. Controlling your vehicle is simple enough with buttons to the right adjusting for acceleration or using a boost, while the left side of the screen offers buttons that dictate the trajectory of your vehicle while you're in the air – much like in a physics based racing game. At first you can mostly get away with hitting the accelerate button and seeing what happens, but soon enough those little tweaks make all the difference in helping you explore.

Each stage of Earn to Die 2 offers slightly different paths to take, with some being quicker while others garnering you more money. Such money can then be used to upgrade your vehicle in a manner of different ways, each enhancing your chances of reaching a checkpoint. After a few checkpoints you unlock a new car and repeat the process all over again, and therein lies the problem.

earntodie23The first day of Earn to Die 2 is exactly the same as day 100. You keep repeating the same actions in the hope of unlocking yet another new car that needs upgrading all over again. What was once quite exciting soon turns dull and repetitive.

Earn to Die 2 needs more variety to really enthuse, and what's there just isn't enough to keep you coming back for a long time.