Developer: Hipster Whale
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.0.3
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Playtime Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Combine Frogger with an Endless Runner, and what do you get? Crossy Road. It's a harsh reminder of why we should all look carefully before crossing the road, and it's also a pretty fun way to spend your free time. It doesn't bother with complicated power-ups or boosts. Instead, it focuses on being pure, unadulterated fun.

The idea is simple – keep crossing those roads. You tap on the screen to leap forward, with a swipe to the side moving you in that direction. Oftentimes you'll be focusing on going ahead, but sometimes it's handy to change trajectory. Cars, trucks, and trains are all in your way, not forgetting rivers that have to be negotiated via floating logs. Everything moves at varied speeds too, so you have to time things just right.

crossyroad4crossyroad7The beauty to Crossy Road is that it's so easy to dive into another game when you inevitably get flattened. It's the little things like your friends's names being plastered across a road to demonstrate their high score that further encourage you to come back for more.

Crossy Road is also a truly free-to-play game, with in-app purchases available but only for unlocking new characters. These characters can be gained through collecting coins and gaining free coins each day, meaning you don't have to spend anything if you don't want to. Characters are randomly dished out so duplicates are possible when going the free method, but it's a small price to pay. And yes, there are frogs to unlock here, among other cool faces.

Consistently keeping its intentions pure is a fine route to success for Crossy Road. You'll soon find yourself itching for 'just one more go'. It's really quite compelling stuff.