Developer: Gamer Delights
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Playtime Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Pair Solitaire is very much one of those 'just one more go' games. The kind that starts out as a quick five minute session, then the next minute, you realize an hour's gone and you're really not sure where. Yes, it could very well be the next Threes.

As the name suggests, Pair Solitaire is all about matching pairs. Each game offers up a line of cards in a row, and you have to find the pairs, eventually pairing up all the cards and clearing the screen. As always, there's a catch: The matching pairs have to have one card between them in order to clear one. They can match in terms of suit or number, but there can only ever be one card between them for it to work. As simple as this sounds, it soon means you have to think multiple moves ahead of yourself.

pairsolitaire2pairsolitaire3It also means that while quite tricky, Pair Solitaire is incredibly simple to play, meaning you're liable to keep trying to clear all those cards. That's where this game's going to grab you and not let go. It goes one step further too, offering a scoring system that’s dependent on which cards you clear, but you don't really have to focus on it unless you want to.

Pair Solitaire is entirely free too, albeit ad-supported – although $0.99 will buy you a daily challenge mode, which is a pretty enticing proposition.

It's often the simplest of games that draw you in the most and Pair Solitaire is very much that game. You'll soon find it one of your most commonly played games on your iOS device, as you inch your way towards finally clearing all those cards. Of course, once you do, you'll be seeking out a better high score and so forth.