Developer: Beardy Brothers
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0.0
Device Reviewed On: iPad Mini Retina

Graphics / Sound Rating: ?????
Game Controls Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Fantasy Solitaire is a distinctly traditional game of Klondike Solitaire. For that reason it's probably one more for fans of the card game than those looking for a quirky reinterpretation, but it's easily worth the $0.99 asking price for looks alone.

solitaire4That's the main beauty behind Fantasy Solitaire. It uses artwork from fantasy illustrator Ian Schofield, and it shows. Each card looks impressive, with the artwork relating to fantasy characters being really quite delightful. Fantasy Solitaire rewards your success with more cards too, so it soon looks quite gorgeous.

Otherwise, Fantasy Solitaire is a fairly typical game of Klondike Solitaire. Each turn involves you drawing three cards before figuring out the best place to put them. The trick, as always, is to try to get the Ace cards pulled out first for any chance of success. Controls are simple enough with taps and drags to place cards, plus an auto-complete button when you're right near the end of a game. There's no hints button though, so make sure you're up to speed with this game type.

solitaire2Fantasy Solitaire doesn't offer any variations away from Klondike, unfortunately. You can't even change the rules around to the much easier Draw 1 model. That's where it falters the most, as such variety is a great way to improve longevity when it comes to a great game of cards.

Instead, it's the looks that will keep you hooked on Fantasy Solitaire. It's something for fans of the classic card game, rather than something that will convert those already not interested. It works well too, although I'd love to see an update with extra modes at some point.