Top 5 video reviews


Published 03.12.2021 12:00
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Pikmin Bloom

Parents need to know that Pikmin Bloom isn't really a game -- it's more of a fitness tracker app for iOS and Android devices, with some additional elements that may encourage players to stay active. The app needs to access the motion and fitness functionality on players' phones to register their steps. They view a detailed tutorial when they first start to use the app, and players can also read additional written information on how the app works by clicking on its settings icon. The app also gives them some leeway while playing. There are often things players can be doing, but there aren't huge penalties if they forget or just want to walk around. While the app may encourage users to be inquisitive and explore the world around them, warnings remind them to remain alert and aware of their surroundings at all times. Players can spend coins they earn from playing on things like additional nectar for Pikmins in the app's store, where packages of coins and other items are also available for $1.99 to $99.99, but they likely won't need to.
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