Top 5 video reviews


Published 05.10.2021 00:00
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Word Tag: Epic Adventure Game

A lot or a little?

Parents need to know that Word Tag: Epic Adventure Game is a free app that aims to teach vocabulary words to elementary- and middle-school-aged kids. Simple, word-related activities are interspersed throughout a virtual gaming world. Kids explore different settings as they collect cans of spray paint and words to "tag" a wall and complete tasks related to using those words. Note that there are authority figures who chase characters for tagging, so some parents might feel kids are rewarded for vandalism in the game. The controls are overly sensitive and sometimes navigation can be difficult. Some kids may find this frustrating, though with practice, they should get the hang of it. Gameplay is text-based, so Word Tag: Epic Adventure Game isn't a good fit for kids who aren't pretty confident readers yet. Kids can invite their friends to join them in the virtual space to play together. Create up to four player profiles. Read the developer's privacy policy for details on how your (or your kids') information is collected, used, and shared and any choices you may have in the matter, and note that privacy policies and terms of service frequently change.
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