Top 5 video reviews


Published 02.08.2021 18:07
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Contra Returns

A lot or a little?

Parents need to know that Contra Returns is an arcade shooter for iOS and Android devices. This is the latest chapter in the long-running Contra franchise, which has covered multiple consoles. In it, players use a variety of guns and explosives to kill aliens, robots, stationary turrets, and other human and non-human enemies, though there's no blood, gore, or dismemberment. Some female characters are well-endowed, partial to skimpy outfits, and will strike sexy poses, though this behavior is far more noticeable in the menus than when playing. Players earn in-game currency by beating levels, completing challenges, or just continuing to play, though they can also buy some in the game's store. This currency is then used to unlock new weapons and playable characters, or to improve said weapons and characters. Read the developer's privacy policy for details on how your (or your kids') information is collected, used, and shared, and any choices you may have in the matter, and note that privacy policies and terms of service frequently change.
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