Top 5 video reviews


Published 29.06.2021 12:16
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A lot or a little?

Parents need to know that Shoutrageous! is a party-based game for iOS and Android devices. It has two game modes -- Casual, played in a pair or group, and Competitive, where teams can participate in a single game or several. Although it's an app, the game was designed to be played face-to face, instead of the participants being online in separate locations. The app offers some initial instruction about how the game works, but you may need to pick up some of the specifics as they go -- or refer to a written section within the app that lists the rules to fully understand how the game works. The app provides a number of free categories but also offers paid options for $0.99 each. You can also pay $2.99 to remove ads from the experience. Some subject areas feature adult-oriented content, such as a list of Things That Make Someone a Lousy Kisser.
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