Rooster Teeth vs. Zombiens Review
Price: $3.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5
Graphics / Sound Rating:
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Overall Rating:
Primarily a survival game, Rooster Teeth vs. Zombiens is quite fun, focusing on how the Rooster Teeth team would cope when up against an alien zombie invasion. It might not be the smartest of titles out there, but it'll entertain.
Rather than following a level-based structure, Rooster Teeth vs. Zombiens is mostly a matter of seeing how long you can survive. There's a daily challenge mode that pits you against the same obstacles as others, so you can compare scores, but the meat of it all comes from the survival mode.
You pick out a character from the Rooster Teeth cast, then attempt to last as long as possible against steady waves of zombies. You're pretty weak and flimsy starting out, but you can gain items for killing zombies that can then be used to construct traps and defenses. It can be tricky, but you’ll soon learn that there are ways of getting by – such as by unlocking the Rooster Teeth office to gain health or by unlocking new weapons.
Each time you play, Rooster Teeth vs. Zombiens is randomized so you get a different challenge each time. And the more you play, the more you realize what works well. For instance, a bear trap or proximity mine is always handy in times of need.
Partially a game of attrition, Rooster Teeth vs. Zombiens has a fair amount of longevity to it. It's simple enough to pick up, with tap controls directing your character along with further taps to craft things, so it never takes long to relearn. The more you play, the more ambitious you become, realizing that exploring the offices of Rooster Teeth can uncover a lot of useful things like items and allies to help you out.
Thanks to such longevity, Rooster Teeth vs. Zombiens should stick around on your iOS device for a while. It's fun to figure out new strategies rather than just be gung-ho all the time, and fans of Rooster Teeth will particularly appreciate the connections here.