Developer: Noodlecake Studios Inc
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: ?????????????
Gameplay Rating: ?????????????
Playtime Rating: ???????????????
Replay Value Rating: ?????????????

Overall Rating: ?????????????

Sometimes, simplicity can be a problem with certain games. In the case of Mmm Fingers, it's exactly what works so well for it. Sure it might not be the kind of game to remember for months to come, but as a fun distraction that occasionally grabs more of your time than you'd ever expect, it does the job.

Learning to play is easy. You hold a finger to the screen and that's it, really. You move that finger around to dodge teeth, spikes, and other obstacles, otherwise it's game over. Each session is different so there's no need to memorize routes. Instead, this is a game all about instinct and reacting quickly to changing scenarios.

mmmfingers5mmmfingers4Mmm Fingers isn't an easy game because of that, but it is something that you learn to improve at. Keeping your finger low on the screen is convenient in terms of giving you extra space to think, but sometimes a quick burst of speed is vital. Keeping your finger low also causes an issue when it comes to the ads that support Mmm Fingers. Sometimes they can get in the way of your finger, which is irritating.

As you progress you start spotting how your friends are doing, with their names highlighted on the screen so you know when you're about to pass them. On a similar note, Mmm Fingers tracks your past progress in terms of overall high score, session high score, and average score. It's these little things that keep you wanting to edge that score a little bit higher.

Things can be a little unbalanced though, as playing on the iPad is notably easier thanks to the extra screen space, which can make those Game Center leaderboards feel a little biased towards iPad owners.

Despite that, Mmm Fingers remains quite fun. With most sessions taking little time to complete, it's the kind of game you can easily dip into when you've got a few minutes spare, and feel like you're achieving something.