Developer: Chillingo
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Playtime Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Super Soccer Club is a soccer management game for those who don't want to delve into the minutiae of match analysis and statistics crunching. Think of a freemium-based strategy game and throw in a dash of FIFA Ultimate Team, and that's a lot like Super Soccer Club. It's kind of fun in a way too, although don't expect to ever feel truly hands-on with the experience.

It's a game that's split into a few different sections. On the one hand, you're helping develop the business side of your team. You can build shops, expand your stadium, and work on developing a fan club. It's all very business focused but mostly involves placing down businesses and occasionally interacting with them to glean some benefits.

soccer4soccer6Besides that, Super Soccer Club is more soccer management-ish, through the training facilities you can use, as well as the actual matches. Playing kind of like Top Trumps, you can see who is the superior player by comparing some simple stats before throwing yourself into a match. It's pretty hands-off once you've established tactics and a team, but you can always simulate the match to skip ahead. Each game takes up energy, but the energy bar is reasonably generous so you don't feel too restricted.

Super Soccer Club offers a missions based system to ease you through the paces, as well as give you some kind of structure to follow. It works well in giving you something to pursue, as well as dishes out the free currency and the premium currency that affects a lot of what you can achieve here.

That's the issue with Super Soccer Club, though. It's mostly a typical freemium strategy game with a soccer overlay. That kind of works and at least makes a change from the usual way of doing things, but it doesn't feel particularly special. For those looking for a more casual management experience it'll be fine, but it's no Football Manager Handheld.