Developer: Swipes Incorporated
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 2.2.6
App Reviewed on: iPhone 5

iPhone Integration Rating: ?????
User Interface Rating: ?????
Re-use / Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Swipes is a productivity app designed to help users organize their task lists and get things done. Although the idea of a task app is certainly not new, Swipes has some awesome integrations with Evernote that may make it worth picking up.

Most users familiar with any third party task apps like Clear and Wunderlist will feel right at home with Swipes. Its interface shows users the tasks for that day in a simple, minimal-looking list that can be manipulated by tapping or swiping on items to mark them as complete, edit, or ‘snooze’ them for later. The core idea is to present a user’s tasks effectively and beautifully while also being careful to just keep the focus on the most time-sensitive tasks.

Also in the spirit of productivity, Swipes tries to make it as easy as possible for users to manipulate and tweak items without having to waste time. The two primary ways it does this is by having an intuitive set of swipe commands and preset snooze options for on-the-go tweaking on the phone, as well as a web interface that allows users to access all the features of the app if they are working at a computer. Both of these inclusions make using Swipes easy and fast, so users can focus more on completing the things on their list and less on how to manage them.

004002As a new app though, Swipes is currently a little limited in terms of its integrations. Right now the only service it connects to is Evernote, so it may not be the best choice for anyone that doesn’t already use Evernote as part of their productivity system – at least currently. Apparently there are plans to have Swipes hook into more services, like Mailbox, but for now users can only use the app in isolation or with Evernote.

Limitations aside, Swipes‘ integration with Evernote feels practically magical in terms of how well the two services work together. Notes made in Evernote that are tagged as “Swipes” can automatically be imported into the app, and any checkboxes within those notes will be added as action items for the main to do item. Moreover, checking off items in Swipes will sync with Evernote‘s checkboxes and vice-versa, making the entire experience pretty much effortless.

In its current form, Swipes isn’t perfect, but it is impressive and shows a ton of promise. If it adds support for additional productivity platforms as elegantly as it already does for Evernote, then Swipes could very well become one of the most used apps on my phone. As for now, it’s still a rock-solid app for task tracking, particularly for regular users of Evernote.