Developer: Just Go Games
Price: $1.99
Version Reviewed: 1.02.2
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

iPhone Integration Rating: ?????
User Interface Rating: ?????
Re-use Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Just Go Golf won't be winning any prizes for its looks because, really, it looks kind of ropey. It does gain points for innovation though, being an interesting way of encouraging you to walk more while having fun.

The concept is straightforward enough. It's just like golf in that you pick a course and then work towards completing it in as few hits as possible. In Just Go Golf you can pick out one of many different clubs, with each making a subtle difference to what can unfold. You can then choose to swing your iPhone to make the hit or use a dragging motion instead. So far, so typical of a golf game. The originality comes in what happens next. Once you hit the ball and it flies down the course, it's down to you to physically walk that distance before taking the next shot.

golf5golf4It's a fun idea, and one that works fairly well. It ensures you feel a little more involved with the process, plus there's the benefit of gaining some exercise along the way. Of course it's also a little gimmicky. I'm not sure how keen I would be to play it regularly, feeling mildly self-conscious about keeping an eye on things.

For those trapped indoors and still wanting to play, you can switch to a golf cart mode and complete a course, foregoing any need to get off the sofa. That kind of ruins the point of checking out Just Go Golf, but at least the option is there.

It's certainly an interesting idea. While I'm not convinced it's got the longevity for extended sessions (although I think being able to compete with friends could have made all the difference here), Just Go Golf is an original distraction and something that feels worth checking out, at least for a little while.