Developer: Dctology
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.2
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

iPhone Integration Rating: ?????
User Interface Rating: ?????
Re-use Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

If you're like me, you're juggling a ton of different social networking apps at once. I find my daily habits often involve diving into Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest, just to see what I've missed. Then I wonder where the heck all my free time went. Carde hopes to simplify that process, enabling you to use one app to check in on the images of many social networks, saving you time and effort.

Working alongside Instagram, Facebook, Google+, and, in the future, Pinterest, it's a one stop app for seeing what's going on. You log in as usual then swipe your way through the different platforms, or choose to see everything consolidated together at once. You can not only look at the images but check out comments and likes, as well as zoom in on pertinent details. In theory, it's as simple as that, but there are some minor issues.

carde4carde3Notably, Pinterest support isn't there and would be invaluable to many. Also, I couldn't get Facebook to work with it. Carde asks you to share the app via a wall post in order to enable it, but despite trying this frequently, it just didn't work for me. Fortunately, Carde still proved useful when it came to consolidating Instagram and Google+ but Facebook would have been all the sweeter.

Of course, arguably, how long does it really take to load up individual apps? Probably not that long but the benefit to Carde is that it removes all the filler, leaving you to focus on images rather than text. Although, there’s no way of browsing other people’s content, only your friends/followers’s photos. For those who prefer a photo heavy diet of social networking, it could be just right for you. Others, such as myself, who like to see plenty of text or to browse random people’s imagery (in the case of Instagram) will prefer the traditional routes.