Developer: Handle Inc
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.2.11
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

iPhone Integration Rating: ?????
User Interface Rating: ?????
Re-use Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Assuming you have a Gmail account at your disposal, Handle is sure to make your work more organized and your life less stressful. It combines To Do Lists and Calendar functionality alongside email capabilities, ensuring everything is tied up neatly. Somehow it does all that for free, too.

Setup is pretty straightforward with a tutorial guiding you through the paces. If you've used any organizational tool before, Handle should make perfect sense to you. A swipe to the left or right takes you wherever you need to go, with sections divided according to To Do, Calendar, and Email. Email is fairly typical of any email app but with some subtle additions; namely, you can choose to add an email to your To Do list or add a reminder to your Calendar linked to the message. You'll find yourself doing this often and saving yourself time while you plan.

handle6handle1The To Do list feature on its own is fairly comprehensive, with it being possible to divide things up according to projects (such as dividing things between personal and work), as well as tagging things. It's very simple to do, plus it can save you a ton of time in the long run. The Calendar feature is just as well designed, being immediately familiar to those who have used Calendar apps before, while also offering small features that make all the difference.

Once it’s set up, Handle is the ideal app to briefly leap into just to see what's going on with your day. Being able to swipe an email to your To Do list or Calendar is the real killer feature here, and saves so much time. The only thing that Handle really lacks is widget support; something that'd be handy for when you just want to quickly check details without unlocking your phone. Otherwise, Handle is a particularly fine combination of all the main ways in which you can organize your life.