Developer: Iain McManus
Price: $1.99
Version Reviewed: 1.4.3
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

iPhone Integration Rating: ?????
User Interface Rating: ?????
Re-use Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Traveling abroad means it can be tricky to have a clue how much something actually costs. You're in South Africa and something costs 500 Rand. Is that a lot? It sounds like a lot. It's not. It's around $43, but speedy math isn't always convenient or possible. That's where Travel Money Tracker takes out all the effort. It's an app that easily tracks how much money you have to spend, as well as translates what that means in the local currency.

There's a fairly extensive tutorial available, all conducted through text overlays, but you don't really need it. Travel Money Tracker is as straightforward as most budgeting apps, but with the advantage of being focused on different currencies. You simply enter how much money you have to spend in your own currency, pick the currency of the country you're visiting, and the app does the rest. Such conversions are done instantly, meaning you always have a clear breakdown of what's going on. Just loading the app gives you a basic update on how much money you have available to you – in both your original currency and the place you're visiting.

travel6travel3As you go along you can also add expenses such as food, gifts, or accommodation costs, with Travel Money Tracker keeping track of it all. A tagging interface plus detailed statistical breakdown ensures not only do you know how much everything cost, but also where your money is going. It works just as well with controlling your budget as it does making you understand what's going on.

Travel Money Tracker covers a plentiful supply of different currencies and is regularly updated, meaning it's unlikely you're going to be disappointed. For $1.99 you can finally understand what your money is actually worth, even when you're going from country to country frequently.