Developer: Slide Rule Software
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

iPhone Integration Rating: ?????
User Interface Rating: ?????
Re-use Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Arranging your life often isn't as easy as it should be. I can safely say my To Do list is always huge and my calendar-based appointments aren't exactly limited in number. Glass Planner doesn't magically free up time for you, but it does offer a one stop solution for making appointments, arranging tasks, and planning projects.

Immediately quite stylish, Glass Planner doesn't take long to set up, and it ties right into your existing iOS calendars and services. The app is divided into three sections: Plan, Act, and Done. Plan is there for your calendar appointments with a quick tap on the plus sign allowing you to enter details, such as time, duration, and any notes you wish to add. It also is a great place to check in to see what's going on, with all future appointments and dates listed clearly for you to see.

glass4glass2Switch to Act mode and you can start listing tasks that you need to complete. It's your call as to what they could be with plenty of room for work related tasks as well as personal chores. Again, you can opt to assign a date to them if you wish. Once created, you can also add tags and a project to them, making it easy to filter content once you have plenty of entries built up. Done, rather obviously, lists everything that's happened in the past, which can be handy when looking back on a month.

It's all pretty intuitive and very easy to get to grips with, as well as speedy. More importantly, it should save you from having to juggle multiple apps for such simple tasks. The only real oddity to it is how you gain the full feature set for free. You have to use your Facebook account to post what's essentially an advert for the app in order to unlock the full set of features without paying. Sure it's a quick process, but I did feel mildly uncomfortable about having to do so, even if it is worth it in the long run.

Excluding such an unusual way of unlocking content, Glass Planner is easy to recommend. It takes a lot of effort out of organizing your life and is sure to be a near essential app for business-minded folk.