Developer: Georgios Ioannidis
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.1
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

iPhone Integration Rating: ?????
User Interface Rating: ?????
Re-use Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

There's a certain sense of freedom that comes with using Red Arrow. Unlike other apps full of maps and complicated travel features, Red Arrow wants you to stumble across your destination, in a way. For long distances it's better as a novelty, but for shorter travels it can be quite useful for discovering new routes.

Essentially, Red Arrow is as the name suggests. You tap in a destination and the app produces a red arrow pointing you to your destination. Like a compass, it shows which of the four directions you're going in, with the arrow moving as you move. At its most basic this is all that Red Arrow offers; it doesn't provide directions. Instead, it leaves you to figure things out. Its main option comes from the ability to switch between kilometers or miles. In a major city, it should be quite a cool way to get to your destination through a more relaxed method than staunchly obeying orders.

arrow4arrow5You can view a more conclusive map of the area, highlighting other places nearby, but your directions are mostly garnered through this red arrow. The map is more of a guidance tool so you know where else you might want to head.

Red Arrow offers up a widget too, so you can view the arrow outside of the app, and even before unlocking your iPhone. It's something that can be particularly handy when you don't want to be constantly staring at your iPhone while out and about.

That kind of sums up Red Arrow. It's a fairly handy tool in the right situation. Large distances are no use, other than to marvel at just how far away you are from somewhere, but it's quite convenient for short distances. I can see it being quite handy while exploring a new city or checking out some great trail walks. For $0.99, that seems like a pretty worthwhile purchase.