Developer: taprrific, LLC
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

iPhone Integration Rating: ?????
User Interface Rating: ?????
Re-use Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

As an app for adding attractive text and logos to your photos, UponPixels isn't as innovative as it would like to be, but that doesn't stop it from being a handy accompaniment for your photo editing folder.

UponPixels's core focus is in allowing you to add all kinds of text to your photos. At its simplest, it means you can add a caption to a photo of your kids, pets, or simply a cool new thing you just bought. It can go further than that, though. You can add motivational (or demotivational) quotes to an image, before sharing it amongst your friends.

uponpixels4uponpixels6It's simple to do, too. Just enter the text you want to use, then a plethora of options open up for changing how it looks. Besides the usual resizing and rotation options you can also change the stroke colors, transparency, fonts, and spacing, among many other things. A few tweaks here or there can really change how cool a regular font can look.

Besides the many text-based options, you can also add various objects such as a square or arrow. It goes further than that too, allowing for the construction of banners and more. Again, individually it doesn't look particularly special, but piece it all together and the results of UponPixels looks pretty cool. Mostly you control things through taps and drags, and occasionally, UponPixels doesn't feel as intuitive as you'd like, but it doesn't take long to figure out either.

You can easily share such creations via the usual social networks, including the photography-focused Flickr and Instagram, so getting your message out there isn't hard to do. While UponPixels might not be revolutionary, it does do a good job of making such typography simple to implement. It can spruce up an otherwise unexciting photo, too.