Top 5 video reviews


Published 14.03.2020 12:00
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The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross

A lot or a little?

Parents need to know that The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross is a free-to-play role-playing adventure game available for iOS and Android devices. The game follows the events of The Seven Deadly Sins anime and manga series, with a heavy focus on magic and medieval combat. Violence is a regular occurrence, and though there's some occasional blood shown onscreen in the animations and cutscenes, there are no graphic depictions of gore. Some characters are presented in a sexualized manner, emphasized further by unlockable costumes and a "modelling" mode where players can interact with the characters. Much of the downtime in-game is spent in the Boar's Hat Tavern, where characters are regularly shown to be drinking alcohol, many times to excess.
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