Developer: PhotoPay
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

iPhone Integration Rating: ???????????????
User Interface Rating: ?????????????
Re-use Value Rating: ?????????????

Overall Rating: ?????????????

PhotoMath is an app with a ton of potential for those of us struggling to solve mathematical problems. It's not quite there in terms of being essential, but it's some cool use of technology nonetheless.

The app solves equations through you simply scanning it in with the iPhone's camera, leaving PhotoMath to solve it along the way. It'll only currently pick up printed problems but that works fine for anything on a computer screen or in a textbook. I found a steady hand was needed for it to read correctly, as well as ensuring that text isn't too close together. Once or twice it misread something and gave me an entirely different answer.

photomath2photomath5For the majority of the time though, PhotoMath works very well. It takes a few seconds to 'read' what's on screen before giving you the solution as well as a step by step guide to how it got there.

The step by step solution is great for those learning the subject and in need of figuring things out. Each scan is stored elsewhere within the app, so you can look back at it later on to see exactly how things worked out. It's clearly laid out, meaning it's ideal for educational purposes. The only thing that it lacks is a way to share solutions via a social networks or even just email. Currently there's no way to do that.

PhotoMath doesn't cover all mathematical equations just yet, but it does cater for the basics, fractions, decimal numbers, linear equations, and other functions such as logarithms, so it's an ideal starting point. With a little more accuracy for its scanning engine it could soon be an essential addition for educators and parents alike. And kids who are keen to cheat their way to success.