Developer: Philipp Stollenmayer
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.0
App Reviewed on: iPad mini Retina

Graphics / Sound Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Playtime Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

If there’s one thing that we can all agree on, it’s that pancake flipping is a life skill that should be taught in schools and deserves to be an Olympic event. This noble practice will inevitably lead to some occasionally grievous (but always hilarious) failures, whether it be the ceiling stain of ’05, the burning of a household pet, or the odd still-edible floor pancake. The road to flipping glory is a long and treacherous one.

The developers of Pancake – The Game must know this to be true, since they’ve created a game that tests players to the pancake-flipping limit. With only a single chiseled arm, a frying pan, and a pancake adorning the screen, players simply need to tap to raise the pan and launch the pancake, tapping again to catch it. Their high score is then tattooed onto the arm so they’ll never forget their achievement.

(null)(null)The physics are admittedly top notch, but even pancake aficionados will find this light on content. There’s actually little skill involved – so much so that enthusiasm will probably wane after a few tries since one of the first few flips will always take the pancake too close to the far edge of the pan. And since the strength of the flip can’t be controlled, there’s not much that can be done to bring it back.

Regardless of whether players celebrate the holy pancake only once a year or for a week at a time like they do in Russia (genius), Pancake – The Game is the perfect companion for celebrations or for pancake withdrawals. However, after that it should probably be cast aside like the novelty it plainly is. Seriously, it’s a game about flipping pancakes.