Developer: Proletariat Inc.
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 3.1
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Playtime Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Zombies, tower defense, and training troops. It doesn't sound very promising, does it? In fact it all sounds a little too formulaic and like something we've seen before – a lot. In reality, World Zombination is quite the breath of fresh air in a stale genre. That's something I really didn’t expect to say about any game featuring zombies.

worldzom11World Zombination tackles the threat of zombie invasion in a different way than most. For one thing, you can choose to play the role of the zombies or the humans. While the former allows you to unleash hundreds of zombies at once, the later is a bit more tower defense in nature with you opting to carefully place units around a city in order to take out the waves of enemies up ahead. In both cases you gradually gain new units, as well as train them and level them up, watching as they improve their skill set.

It's a lot of fun. There are plenty of single player missions to tackle, as well as PvP. It's kind of like how various base building games tackle things, but it doesn't feel as staid as that. Outside of each level you can spend time training your units, as well as accumulating resources for more profit. You can even take a step back and send your troops out on their own without your assistance, although this affects your stamina levels quite significantly.

worldzom6World Zombination does trickle feed things in that respect, with an energy system and stamina bars slowing your progress a little. Similarly, training takes time and you'll find yourself half tempted to spend some money to speed everything up. It's not essential though, and the journey of World Zombination is pretty fun anyhow.

It might combine so many familiar elements but World Zombination feels like its own game. It does things suitably differently that it feels much more like how I imagine a zombie invasion would really be, with crowds of zombies coming at you at every turn. It's easily the kind of title to hang around on your iPhone or iPad, tempting you into chipping away at some progress.