Developer: Orpheus Interactive Inc.
Price: $1.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0.1
Device Reviewed On: iPad Mini 2

Graphics/Sound Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Playtime Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

It hasn’t been long since massive hit Sons of Anarchy officially ended its run on TV. The story of the outlaw motorcycle gang was the perfect amalgamation of family, betrayal, violence, and drama. The TV show might have reached its zenith, but the franchise does get a breath of fresh air in Sons of Anarchy: The Prospect.

2015-02-10 22.15.37This saga is based on SAMLIN, a chapter out of Oregon, and the opening sequence gives a bit of insight into the game. The portion reviewed covers the first chapter; it’s a rambling affair – a first-person perspective that starts off on a bike, tosses in brooding dialogue, and also sneaks in some gameplay tips. From there we meet our main protagonist, and learn a bit about the pressures that cause him to go down the dangerous road he goes down.

The emphasis is on interaction and choice. As main protagonist Clint Lancet, one has to deal with people and the environment; procuring information and/or instructions from the former while typically solving physical tasks and puzzles with the latter. Periodically, Clint has to make decisions and this is handled by dialogue boxes that appear. Picking any one choice usually has consequences that affect overall progress. There are also fighting and riding sequences that give it an arcade feel, and require a bit of skill to complete.

2015-02-10 22.18.32The artwork is smooth, and it’s interesting how the developer is able to convey different perspectives and recreate unique scenes, alternating between the definition of freedom and sad desolation. The artistic use of light is fantastic, and while the characterizations seemed a bit stereotypical in places, overall it feels like a good fit.

Be warned: the language is chock-full of sodium. It’s probably best to note this if one has sensitive ears. Some of the scenes are a bit raw, too. Alas, to go beyond the initial chapter, one will have to purchase a season pass for $14.99.

For a blended game with subtle storybook elements, Sons of Anarchy: The Prospect mostly comes together quite well. It allows the show to carry on without having to be a clone, and can be an enjoyable romp – in the hands of the right adult.