Developer: Fedeen Games/Perfect World Entertainment Inc
Price: $3.99
Version Reviewed: 1.03
App Reviewed on: iPad mini Retina

Graphics / Sound Rating: ?????
User Interface Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Re-use / Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

In an apocalyptic future, only one typical-action-hero-super-soldier-clone can stop an army of mutants.

Working on a twin-stick design, the top(ish)-down shooter A Few Days Left employs the left stick for navigation and the right stick to aiming, firing automatically whenever an enemy is in range. There’s also a jump button and a plasma cutter for when players are in a pinch, to put some distance between themselves and the enemy or just for some good old dismemberment.

(null)The various gadgets on offer are satisfying, effective, and aren’t just the run-of-the-mill grenades, either. They vary from a personal bodyguard in the form of a gun-toting drone, to a pinpoint missile strike, to a stasis-inducing mist that slows enemies to a manageable crawl. They are all helpful when players are backed into a corner, which is a regular occurrence in a game that likes to pile on the pressure in the blink of an eye. The fact that opening the selection menu merely slows time – allowing players to select their equipment without opening a separate screen – is a nice touch, ensuring that the action never lets up and making organization a priority during moments of rest.

(null)This claustrophobic feel is a standout part of A Few Days Left, with the cramped conditions, nice lighting effects and ominous soundtrack being especially crucial to the constant sense of danger. Puzzles and environmental obstructions break up the shooting sections, but more often than not they feel like a chore rather than a challenge. The same can be said for a large portion of the action segments, as they become an overly-familiar, repetitive, run-and-gun affair, even if the gadgets do offer something unique.

While I actually found A Few Days Left‘s story cutscenes to be quite interesting, the action just doesn’t match up to the high standard it sets for itself.