Developer: Starship Group
Price: $3.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPad Mini 2

Graphics/Sound Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Playtime Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Playworld Superheroes is one of those games that’s unabashedly aimed at younger iOS users. It starts off slow, almost too mildly, as the player learns the crafting process.

It begins with selecting a base character from a batch of different prototypes, and after this the player is guided to a treehouse (which is the home location of this digital tale), and guided through the process of finding simple items that can be crafted to make what look like rudimentary parts of a superhero outfit.

2015-01-29 16.51.25Take the helmet, for instance. There are a several tools one can use on it – like a bunch of crayons to color it with, and a pair of scissors to cut out eye holes. When the player is done with their artistic masterpiece, the imagination unlocks and we get to see a souped-up version of the creation as it appears in the magical Playworld.

All the crafting leads to the combat. There is a magical portal that transforms our home-made superhero into a real one with an awesome outfit and matching weaponry, all based on the crafted design. In this imaginative world our hero takes on waves of invading monsters, and the combat is based on a cover system. The game teaches the basics of offense and defense, as well as how to duck and collect valuable PlayGems. The abhorrent creatures become craftier and begin to exhibit different features further on, and the waves become more complex as well.

2015-01-29 16.46.12Successful play generally unlocks new stuff and new levels, and it connects well to the crafting process. When a new item is unlocked, our hero can return to the treehouse to find the item and craft it accordingly. When done, it becomes a new part of the arsenal. In this, the game is a mix of combat, discovery and crafting – simple and easy to maneuver through.

There are a few interesting angles, like the subtle recycling side game, and unlockable areas that can only be lauded. Frankly, Playworld Superheroes is a fun game, and I hesitate to call it a game strictly geared towards kids. It’s a fun, simple romp, and the lack of in-app purchases make it that much more endearing.