Developer: Chillingo
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Playtime Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

There's been quite a rise in popularity for the 'tap like crazy and feel like you're getting somewhere' genre, and Eggmaster is a perfect example of such a title. It's got a bit more going for it than other games, although you'll still eventually feel a little like it's all futile. There's still something oddly compelling about tapping like crazy, though.

Rather than saving the world or killing many, many monsters, you're laying eggs. The eventual aim is to be the most powerful egg tycoon out there, or something like that. You tap your chicken and it lays eggs. Besides tapping, a gradual trickle of them come through by simply sitting and watching, too. The quantity can be improved by upgrading various things such as the corn you use, or even magic potions and chocolate.

eggmaster4eggmaster6It's all oddly addictive. Eggmaster offers a series of constant and daily quests, encouraging you to work towards the next upgrade. All that entails is more furious tapping, yet somehow you find yourself wanting to get to the next upgrade. It's ridiculous really. It shouldn't grip you for any length of time, yet your quest to reach the top of the leaderboard (there's a ranking system that's always too keen to tell you how you're faring compared to your friends) is all-consuming.

Besides that, there are ways of messing around with friends and opponents. You can attack them, trying to steal their eggs or halve their egg production, and it's something that proves oddly satisfying.

The strange urge does fade, though. I found myself far too attached to what was happening until it just clicked in my head and I realized how relatively futile it all is. For those fleeting few moments/days though, it's very easy to lose yourself to the bizarre allure of egg collecting. Even if it really doesn't make any sense.