Developer: Floor 27 Industries
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Playtime Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Mixing together RPG mechanics and golf doesn't seem like a very logical step to make, yet somehow Wizard Golf RPG kind of works. It's very much a golf game first and foremost, with an RPG background to it, but it's still quite charming.

wizardgolf3As you would with any golf game, you set about working your way through various courses 12 to be exact. Each course contains 9 holes, with new courses unlocked through reaching a par score in the previous one. You control a Wizard as he tries to reach the end point of the level. You drag a finger in the direction you want him to go, hit the 'cast spell' button, and then hit it again when it reaches the desired power you require. Yup, it's all very golf-like here.

There's more to it than just that, though. While Wizard Golf RPG eases you in gently, offering up relatively easy holes early on to give you time to learn, there are other things to do along the way. Enemies become an important part of the game, with you needing to use magic spells to vanquish them. New items, such as a boomerang, gradually become available and can boost your powers. There are hidden skulls to collect too, unlocking new sections. As you progress, physics also plays a role with various holes providing you with things to bounce off of or around. Wizard Golf RPG ends up almost like a puzzle rather than golfing game.

wizardgolf7In each case, you can always opt to pursue a par score rather than collect everything in sight, but that's what works so well for Wizard Golf RPG – it's all fairly flexible. It's made for replaying and still gleaning something from it.

A curious mix, Wizard Golf RPG could have been a bit of a mess but instead it's a rewarding mix of puzzle, strategy, and golfing. It's sure to hook you in.