Developer: Gato Salvaje
Price: $2.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0
App Reviewed on: iPhone 4S

Graphics / Sound: Rating: ?????
Game Controls: Rating: ?????
Gameplay: Rating: ?????
Replay Value: Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

AR-K 2 English Point and Click Adventure is a Kickstarter adventure game that is also episodic. And as its name implies, this is the second entry in the series. Jumping in on episode two can be a little jarring at first, but there’s enough context in the game to know what the deal is with most of the characters up to this point. Well, that and the context doesn’t seem to matter a whole lot.

062Playing AR-K 2 is almost exactly like playing most throwback adventure games. Players click around in environments, pick up items, and talk to people until some combination of all of those things line up to move the story forward. For the most part AR-K 2 achieves the proper feel for this type of gameplay, but some of the puzzles seem like they could have quite a few logic holes in them and the controls are dismally unresponsive. This is to say that, at times, players will probably feel lost or otherwise have a hard time clicking on the things they want to click on, which is largely my experience with old, lower tier adventure games anyway.

AR-K 2 would be completely unremarkable if it weren’t for its completely bizarre nature and crassness. As noted in the App Store’s rating description, AR-K 2 is recommended for players 17+ because of content that includes intense profanity, mild sexual content, and suggestive themes. I wish I could say that all of these things are handled well in the game, but they mostly aren’t. Instead, players can expect fully voice acted characters dropping f-bombs and talking about sleeping with one another as the poorly-written narrative unfolds. As bad as most of this is though, it maintains a certain amount of appeal – like a favorite bad movie. Unlike a movie though, there are large sections of the game where players are just left bumbling around, which doesn’t usually make the weird narrative feel worth it.

064Overall, AR-K 2 English Point and Click Adventure is about as bizarre and poorly formed as its title. It’s certainly what it purports to be – an old school point and click adventure game – but there are many things about the experience that make it feel unsatisfying or generally not worth it.

All that being said though, it is oddly compelling – but only up to a point. Players that are curious about the series can try the first episode for free, so I’d look there to experience this weird, weird game before committing to buying this one.