Developer: Mind Candy
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.1.1
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Playtime Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

World of Warriors is an immediately appealing and colorful game, all about developing a huge army of warriors in a Pokemon-style vein. It's clouded by some restrictive in-app purchases though, which will eventually sour the experience.

wow4Starting out with a small team of warriors, you go from place to place attacking others in order to gain experience, evolve, and eventually be the best fighter out there. Each battle is done in a turn based manner with gestures and taps dictating what attack is inflicted. Timing is key here, but it's fairly easy to achieve a perfect hit. The real strategy is remembering to switch your team members out. There's a certain amount of tag-teaming going on, with different types of warrior being more effective depending on the element of your foe. Each warrior has a special attack too, often proving useful when activated at the right moment.

It's a fairly fun experience and each fight doesn't take long to complete, lending itself well to mobile gaming. Once you've finished a fight, you can then opt to train your crew, equip new items, and so forth. There's easily plenty to do and you'll always have something new to aim for, whether that's an item or new level to complete. Unlocking new and rare characters is a particular delight.

wow8This is also where the deluge of in-app purchases become most prominent. Besides an energy meter, there are numerous types of premium currency involved, each being quite difficult to get hold of for free.

After a time, it messes up what could have been a fun game. The waiting takes a little too long, and soon enough you'll find yourself feeling like you're missing out by not spending real money. The free path might feel more noble but it's certainly too long-winded for comfort. At least those early days are very pleasant.