Developer: Lumo Developments
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.3.4
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Playtime Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

I'd struggle to say that I had fun with Lumo Deliveries, yet somehow I find myself returning to it every time I have five minutes to spare. It's a conflicting set of feelings. Something that often occurs with free-to-play, timer-heavy games, but I'm quite confident that I have enjoyed Lumo Deliveries more than others of its ilk.

You're an international logistics manager for a delivery company. Something that the game will, tongue-in-cheek, acknowledge probably isn't anyone's dream job. Your task is to hire drivers and purchase cars, then shipping them off to go pick up deliveries with the intention of dominating the delivery world. The main screen you'll be looking at is the one where you choose which member of staff takes out which car, and the relevant route they take. The key here is that some drivers don't have the license to go far afield, while some vehicles don't have the power to go very far, either. You need to balance the two well in order to eventually conquer everywhere.

lumo9lumo3It's going to be a slow battle though, because timers are plentiful here. After you choose a route, your delivery driver scurries off and you have to wait for them to return before you can do it all over again. Early on, these routes might only take a few seconds, but it soon ramps up fast. Fortunately, so do the benefits of pursuing such routes. The money you earn can then be used to buy new vehicles and drivers, and so on.

Lumo Deliveries does add a few more interactive elements along the way, such as the need to motivate your drivers, as well as sometimes repair your vehicles. Both simply require tapping on the correct part of the screen, but it does give you some level of control.

Amongst the delightfully quirky visuals, Lumo Deliveries is basically a tap-a-thon. It's a strangely beguiling one, though. I expect that it's a passing fad that will be forgotten about in time, but during those precious days where it hooks you in it'll be satisfying – if not entirely fun.