Developer: One Man Left Studios
Price: $2.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: ???????????????
Game Controls Rating: ?????????????
Gameplay Rating: ?????????????
Replay Value Rating: ???????????????

Overall Rating: ?????????????

It seems a little cheeky to take a mode out of the original Tilt To Live and make another game out of it. Surely, it could just be an update, right? Actually, in the case of Tilt To Live: Gauntlet's Revenge, it feels like a fully fledged title in its own right. Albeit one that might not be to everyone's taste.

tilt3It's a survive-a-thon. Whether that's a real term or not, it is now and Tilt To Live: Gauntlet's Revenge is the perfect example of what that is. You have to negotiate three very tricky gauntlets, however you chose to, for the sake of pride and a nice position on the Game Center leaderboards.

Each gauntlet is steadily harder than the last. Early on, you might just have to contend with knives flying from off screen and moving gates to dodge. Oh, and turrets firing things at you. Ok, not so easy. It gets harder though, as lasers and flying enemies emerge alongside vital switches and sentient robot foes.

tilt1Tilt To Live: Gauntlet's Revenge gets exceptionally tough and fast. That's both the beauty of it and the reason why it won't appeal to all. The tilt controls come with their own challenges. You can calibrate them pretty effectively but they're just never going to be as helpful as a d-pad. Then again, Tilt To Live: Gauntlet's Revenge wouldn't be the game it is with more accurate controls, so it's a tough one to call.

It does go some way towards helping the player, such as by offering differing amounts of lives depending on the difficulty level you choose. Plus the calibration is fairly extensive, but sometimes you're still going to feel a little cheated.

As cliched as it sounds, how much fun you're going to garner from Tilt To Live: Gauntlet's Revenge will depend on what kind of gamer you are. Have the patience of a saint and love a punishing game? Tilt To Live: Gauntlet's Revenge is perfect for that. Many others will understandably be dissuaded by the fact that it really is brutal out there, at times.