Developer: Gameloft
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.0.1
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Playtime Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Hail, brave warriors:
Are you having a bit of trouble getting started or does the glory of victory keep eluding you? Check out our Age of Sparta beginner’s guide!

Age of Sparta is a game you'll have played before but it's also a decent interpretation of such a game. It's a freemium-based strategy title, but one that offers a decent amount of polish to draw you in.

sparta8It's the usual kind of mishmash of city development and combat. You place down different buildings in order to help boost your city's resources, before seeking out battles against AI opponents as well as real players. There's a quest structure, giving you some guidance as to how to develop things. It's pretty much a tutorial of sorts, given you can earn experience and currency through simply moving buildings around. That's a handy way of progressing quickly though, and getting you to the more involving side of things. There's certainly plenty to do here, with no shortage of new quests to work towards. Each correlates to a different area of the game too, such as development, religion, or combat.

Combat is one such more developed side of things. Rather than just sending out troops and seeing what happens, you're much more hands-on. There's a certain amount of sitting and watching, but you can also activate power-ups for yourself, as well as tap on objects to damage your foes. Projectiles can come at you too, requiring a quick swipe to dodge them.

sparta7The real depth for Age of Sparta comes from being able to form alliances with others, and work your way up through the leaderboards. It's a format that's been used before, with other strategy games, but Age of Sparta offers just enough to make it seem interesting again.

Eventually you'll be restricted by some slow progress and lots of waiting around, as is typical within the genre, but you'll be that touch more patient with Age of Sparta – safe in the knowledge that you can enjoy combat more than usual.