Developer: Over the Top Games
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.01
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: ?????
Gameplay Rating: ?????
Playtime Rating: ?????
Replay Value Rating: ?????

Overall Rating: ?????

Dice Mogul is best described as being like a quick game of Monopoly. One of the biggest complaints about Monopoly is that it usually takes too long to get anywhere, so with Dice Mogul only lasting around 10-15 minutes a time it's ideal for mobile gaming. It does heavily rely on luck, however.

dice5Each game is a matter of competing with three AI players to buy as many properties as possible and effectively bankrupt the opposition first. The board is circular with a series of places to buy properties scattered around it. You roll two dice and see where you land.

Land on an empty property and you can opt to buy it. Land on an opponent's property and you have to pay rent for that turn. You can also choose to build extra properties on your land, meaning more rent can be accrued from one of your opponents.

Along the way, there are a series of power-ups to be collected as well as the ability to collect money after passing the starting point. Each can make all the difference to your chances of success. You can gain power-ups that give you a dice boost, as well as one that allows you to steal an opponent's property.

dice2Dice Mogul is simple to learn but it's kind of fun. Although, the lack of multiplayer options does feel like a missed opportunity. Even if it was just pass around multiplayer, it'd be something. However, as a form of palate cleanser, Dice Mogul is quite fun. It's possible to unlock more power-ups and remove the ads for $2.99, but otherwise it’s far from demanding of your time or money. Just don't expect to be gripped forever as it is pretty simplistic.